CoSEP Demo Help
This CoSEP demo starts with a sandbox graph without any port constraints, laid out using CoSE. Click on “CoSEP” to perform CoSEP layout.
• To put constraints on edge ends, you may either click "Add Random Constraints to Graph" or select an edge and add an associated constraint using the dialog provided. Source and target ends of an edge are distinctly color-coded.
• To load another graph, either select a sample graph from the dropdown list or import from files in GraphML or JSON formats using "GraphML/JSON".
• Layout may be tailored using "Layout Options". Refer to README for option help.
• Individual nodes may be disabled to rotate/swap sides using the "Node Rotations/Swaps" tab at the bottom.
• Constructed port constraints are listed at the bottom under "Port Info" tab. When a node is selected, its associated constraints, if any, are highlighted in this list.
Layout Results
Load Sample Graphs:
Import Graph from:
Ideal Edge Length
Ports Per Node Side
Edge End Shifting Period
Edge End Shifting Force Threshold
Node Rotation Period
Node Rotation Force Threshold
Node Rotation(180°) Angle Threshold
Polishing Force Strength
Further Handling of 1-Degree Nodes
Handling 1-Degree Period
Source Target
ID Endpoint Type Parameter
Node ID Rotation Allowed