Software Artifact Analyzer

Software Artifact Analyzer

Software artifacts contain essential project information. Analyzing these artifacts and their relationships via so-called software artifact traceability graphs provides valuable insights. Metadata from modern tracking tools can be mined to create comprehensive traceability graphs, which aid in software development decision-making. With the hope to highlight more issues and enhance understanding in software development projects, we introduce Software Artifact Analyzer (SAA) [1]. SAA employs a unified and comprehensive traceability graph and many interactive visualization features. It is specifically designed for easy extension with additional software analytics applications beyond those already included.

Here is a video tutorial:

Here is a sample demo deployment:

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Please cite the following when using SAA:
[1] L. Merdol, E. Tüzün and U. Dogrusoz, "SAA: a framework for improving the software development process via visualization-based software analytics", under review, 2024.

SAA is open source and is free for academic/non-commercial use only. Please contact developers regarding the terms of use of this software.